Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Andy Pettitte

In February there was a shocking return to the Yankees.  The Yankees announced  they have signed 39-year-old Andy Pettitte, the same pitcher who retired before last season saying he lacked the necessary fire, to a minor league deal (Borelli, S., Andy Pettitte coming back to Yankees, 2012).  This Sunday May 13 Andy Pettite played his first game back against Seattle Mariners.  This was day 3 of the Yankees  against the Mariners and the last game against them.  The first two days the Yankees won but on Day 3 when Andy Pettitte came to pitch the Yankees lost 6 to 2.  

When Andy Pettitte entered Yankee Stadium that day he got an ovation which I think got him in the mood and realized that he loves what he does.  Andy Pettitte was very excited that he is back.  Andy Pettitte says, “It felt good.  It felt like I never left.  It really did.”(Thomson J., Andy Pettitte encouraged despite lost in first start back, 2012).    Even though the Yankees lost Andy Pettitte’s teammates are very excited that Andy is back and are hoping for a great season for him and their team.  


  1. AMAZING!!!!! Captures a prodigious event from the current season of taking a wooden bat and trying to hit a white ball across a diamond. COOLIO! Again, ya'll the BOMB DIGGITY !

  2. I like how you had citations to show that you are crediting someone else and i also like the story because you are using and past and currents events.

  3. I am very interested in baseball, which I may be trying to do my senior year. I like the way you used your citations, which made it easier for me to read. Keep up the good work, and keep me up to date with current events in MLB.

  4. I liked all the information but it seemed like I was reading it from newspaper not a blog so just put a bit of your self in the blog as well.
